Wednesday, March 21, 2012

where is the love?

Being in the elementary school, I am reminded of how mean we can be. Students are constantly belittling and hurting each other in any way they can. It amazes me that human beings this young have found the degration of another human being so enjoyable. Throughout the day it is a constant battle to stop the snide comments and sarcastic remarks that are meant to sting. 
Since when is being a red head a bad thing? 
Why does it matter if you have glasses?
Why pick on the student who is struggling to understand the English language?
What gives anyone the right to make fun of someone because of their background? 
Why doe is matter if you are short, tall, skinny or fat?
All these insecurities are carried throughout our life. We learn our worth while in school and it is hard to shake those comments that hurt you in places that cannot be seen. Wherever you are in life: elementary school, high school, college or real life, it seems like we are programed to separate ourselves from those who are different. We are meant to do those things that will make us the same. 
When will the world realize that uniqueness and originality are a good thing? When will we realize that every person has a story, a battle we are continuously fighting? What gives any one person the right to judge another human being? Where is the Love in this world? 
These are questions that I do not have the answer to. I do not know how to change the system this world has created and yet, I will do everything in my power as a teacher, to teach the next generation the power of originality and the strength in coming together and finding unity. 
Judging a person does not do anyone any good. Those snide comments may hurt the other person but it doesnt define them. It only affects them. But every time we make those mean comments and judge another, we define ourselves. We define what type of person we are. We choose how we treat others. Everyday we make the choice to uplift or belittle.
Knowing the affects we have on other people, how can we wake up and consciously choose to hurt? 

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