Wednesday, February 20, 2013


if you have 7 minutes, take the time to watch this. this is incredible. 

on a completely unrelated note. parent teacher conferences. they are challenging and nerve racking. these kids are in 2nd grade! why are some parents so intense?! lol 
dont get me wrong, i love meeting parents and praising my good students. but it is hard to give praise for 15 minutes. however, 15 minutes is never enough when it is a problem child. =) 
it is good to keep parents informed but i teach for 7 hours and then i have 3-4 hours of conferences after school for 3 days. i am a little pooped. 
thank goodness i am going off track in a week in a half. 
**cue angels** HALLELUJAH! 
oh the life of a first year teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. We had those last week. I really like them, but by the end it's SUCH a long day and all I want to do is go home and never come back!
