Sunday, April 1, 2012

I think about blogging more often than I actually blog

I have read other blogs and been entertained by what is going on in their lives. I just do not think anyone cares enough for me to share those inconsequential things that happen in my life throughout the week. and yet... that is exactly what I am going to do today. Tell you of those events that have filled my life that have been significant to me but may be inconsequential to you.

1. I slept in a tent last night. I made it almost all the way through the night on the hard ground of our living room. This is a big deal for me! I was quite proud. Ryan needed to test out his tent and we thought " what better way to test out a tent's durability than to put it up in the living room?"

2. I taught an entire civil war unit in my 5th grade classroom and actually saw learning happening! It was inspiring to see students, who usually barely write 3 sentences when asked to write an essay, write four pages on the civil war!

3. Marc is a child with mental disabilities who I am teaching how to swim. His simple happiness and joy of life makes me look forward to that half hour I get to spend with him. He lifts my spirit and reminds me of the simple joys in life.

4. Hunger games! I do not care what anyone else says. That movie was good. Sure, there were quite a few things that were different/ not expounded on. But just another reason why I love reading. Books are always better than movies. I loved the Hunger games series and this movie did not disappoint me. I look forward to  the sequel.

5. Sleep. I truly love sleep. It is something that I look forward to every day. Waking up before the sun on a daily basis makes me sad. I miss the sun licking my face to wake me up. Instead I am led down our latter by the light of my phone. gross.

6. Hannah got a free dog yesterday. An adorable black/ golden lab mix named Daisy and then tried to persuade us to take her. Not fair! she was adorable and small and cute and oh so very tempting. But we had to say no. Our apartment does not allow dogs. poo. So Hannah returned the dog.

7. Ryan and I are looking to move. We have loved our place and it was the perfect start to our marriage. But it is time to move to a more conventional home. (doggy friendly please!) Any one know of any place in Orem area? =)

Life is a blessing. My life is crazy and busy and yet, I am loving life and loving the opportunities that allow me to learn and grow. I am not perfect, but I have never pretended to be. I only hope to lay my head on my pillow each night with the comfort of knowing that I am one day closer to being the kind of person who kneels at the Lord's feet and has him say "well done, my child"

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