Monday, October 10, 2011

weekend blast

So our lives are so busy and crazy during the week, that weekends are the only time we really have to just relax and hang out. This weekend was full of fun and friends. I absolutely love spending time with Ryan. he always makes me laugh and we have so much fun together.  Weekends have become my favorite time of the week. there is nothing better than spending time with my man =) 
We went to the BYU Hockey game on friday night with the Eichelbergers, the Hyders and the soon to be Stowells and Travis. It was fun to watch our friend Tim Hope play, even if they lost. But on a side note,  You know it is cold outside when the ice arena feels warm. Then the boys played broom ball for about an hour. it was hilarious to see them floppin' all over the ice. 

My baker boy made cookies. Delicious! and like a good wife, I was there to help him clean the utensils and make sure his dough tasted good. He passed the Safford taste test. 

We then helped jesse eichelberger celebrate his birthday by going to Tocanos. YUM! It was fun to hang out with our friends and eat delicious food. 

It was BYU homecoming this week so Mr. Ford was nice enough to give us his seats. Awesome! It was a great game. Took about 20 minutes for me to feel my toes once we got home but it was definitely worth it. Ryan made a few friends that night with the old folks around us. It was hilarious. 

And finally, it was Jesse's birthday this sunday. So we went over for game night. Hung out with the Eichelbergers, Hyders, Stowells and carrolls. We played mad gab and catchphrase. Always entertaining.

And now we are back to the week; working, classes and random videos. Never know the dangers of riding. Ryan needs to watch out... 

1 comment:

  1. Well hey there Alex! I just found out you had a blog. So cute! I love having newly married adventures, don't you? :)
