Monday, April 15, 2013

love story part 7

The day he said it.

December and January flew by. I honestly cant remember a lot from that time. I remember going home and missing his birthday, talking everyday during winter break and counting down the minutes until I got to see him again.

Now so that you know, it takes me a while to fully open up to people. I am very social and like to meet new people, but to truly open up and love… it takes me a while. So one night ry and I were talking and we got on the conversation about love and where we were going in our relationship.. the DTR talk. At one point ry said, “al, I am scared to tell you I love you. I am almost positive you wont say it back.” I looked at him shocked..  I mean, he was justified in saying that. I had only said I love you to one other guy and it took me 3 months to say it back to that guy. But the weird thing was, the reason I was shocked was because I was so sure I would say yes! I told him that he should tell me how he feels and we left it at that.

It wasn’t until the next night when he took me on a nice date. Then at my door as he kissed me goodnight, he took my face in his hands, looked me in the eyes and said, “I love you alex.” I looked back into the eyes of this boy and knew that I loved him back without a shadow of a doubt. I didn’t make him wait. I said it right back knowing this boy was special. 

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